I’ve been tracking my progress toward keeping a robust daily routine I call “Dragon Hour”. It’s working quite well. I set a target in the form of a percentage of a page I want to complete each day, Mon-Fri. I track it daily and try to keep it above 100%. I know that sounds geeky as hell but it has been an effective way for me to reign myself in and get some real comics finished.
The other element has been switching the format of Zyn Dweomer. It has shifted from a color web strip to a black and white print comic (with
pages being posted here, chopped up appropriately). This works for me. I like the look, I’m more comfortable with the style, and I can finish more pages. Plus I’ve always wanted to do a full size comic book series and I’m a self-publisher at heart.
Anyway, it’s going well. I’m over my 100% target at this moment.
Soon I hope to start making announcements about the first print comic. I’ll probably put together a “year one” collection of all the color strips as a sort of issue #0, then follow it up with the first issue of the proper series. The print comics will feature color covers, which I am really looking forward to creating. Also, I plan to include a back-up “worldbook” feature in each issue to give you a sort of classic RPG-inspired catalog of all the stuff that appears in the comic.