With my Megacon high starting to wear-off, it’s time to get back to work. I have a few projects on my plate which I’m working on.
First and foremost is Mill Girl. I’m currently working on the second issue, cover provided here.Also, just a reminder, the first issue is available for ordering right
I’m also working on a comic written by the multi-talented
Jenni Gregory called Becky’s Alien. I’ve had this on the back-burner for too long. This is a great story and I can’t wait for everyone to see it!
I’m also working on a backup story for
Jay Carvajal’s Misadventures of Clark and Jefferson about two of the aliens from the first mini-series. This is a pretty cool story written by Jay and should be out from Ape Entertainment sometime this year.
Beyond those three projects I have a few little things I want to do including a possible return to webcomics, a sketch/ art book, possibly getting Elf `n Troll collected in some form or other and of course contributing some debris to the Wizard’s of Ur site.
Oh yeah…I have a few pics from Megacon 2009 posted
Play Nice!