Meanwhile, back outside...
Man, I was bummed about having to go back to drawing snow after those red cave interiors.

Oh well. Lots of snow yet to go. I'd better get used to it.
The original pencils for panel 4 had the dwarf herald standing with the Dwarf Pope on top of the HornHead beast. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized, the DP wouldn't allow a grunt in his special little carriage. So I erased it and drew the dwarf herald atop a tree. I allowed me to show Bron as well.
Next week, three legendary warriors meet.
In other news, Atland Season 2 will definitely be presented in portrait format which will permit me to display a bigger, more easily read, image. it will also allow me to publish the print collections right side up and without the black gutter on each page. I'm excited about the change.