Thursday, July 29, 2010

Chuck Update

No, not a chuck-up date, this is a Chuck Update. Back in the UK after a week in Scotland drinking Whisky & eating Haggis and a week in Denmark drinking schnapps and eating pickled herring. 'twas the best. Now for the warm beer cold chips.

Here's an exciting image of the first of our games on the shelf at the Source - a huge game store in MN.

Legitimacy should be shipping in the next week or so apparently.

In the meantime accidentally deleted our listings for Legitimacy & Those Pesky Humans, so if you have a moment please go over to the newly re-created page and rate or comment on my game. I need people to buy it so as I don't have to go back to working for a living:

P.S. I have been playing the game a lot lately with a lot of new and wonderful people. It's been going really well and I'm seeing that it works very well with all different kinds and numbers of players and am actually starting to believe it could do really well if it finds it's audience. Darn it, now I can see it, I really want it to happen!!!

God Fearing

Spledorra Fosmee is an Elfy Witch

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Gnarly Medusa

Hi all.

I just finished laying out the first issue of a new comic book called Gnarly. Files have been uploaded and I'm now waiting for my copy from Ka-Blam to see how it looks. Once I get that squared away I'll post the whole cover image and info on how to spend your hard-earned $ buying copies of it.

This is just a fun little thing for me. Something akin to what I used to do in the small press scene but with naked women here and there. (Oh old small press comics had that too!)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Hey Now!

Hey all. This is just an update on my whereabouts. Yes, I'm pretending someone out there cares so, don't pee in my Cheerios!

The gaming thing has slowed down for a bit but, I am not stagnant. I've taken a job with Ka-Blam Digital Printing. I've known the Gregory's for a very long time and I couldn't be happier to contribute to their P.O.D. Empire. Fun stuff. Doesn't really feel like a job at all.

Since the gaming stuff has slowed down a bit I've been using the free time to make some comics. The latest is a dark, gothic, horror adventure, which most folks probably don't know, is a genre I've been wanting to play in for a long time. I'm a huge horror fan, (mostly the older stuff) and once you throw in the devil, religion, demons and other nastiness; I'm sold. The first issue is nearly completed but, I have to go in and do some re-writing as the characters have decided to make their own changes. The picture attached here, is a few random images from the first issue. I didn't want to spoil anything by posting pages.

That's about it. I thought I'd share.

Play Nice!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Atland #285 - Monster-baiting Pt. 2

Click the link to see the full strip:

And so ends our flashback, with masturbation humor. I'm nothing if not sophisticated. :roll:

I can't tell you how many times I kept forgetting to draw the bandage on Barry's arm in these last 2 episodes. (It appeared 3 episodes ago when he was getting his butt handed to him by Nessa). I must have gone back into photoshop and painted it in in about 3 different instances. Damn you, continuity.

This is also Jason Embury's last strip on coloring duty. Next week it's a 100% Piekos production once again.

In 2 weeks, Barry and Nessa come face to face again after almost twenty years...

And if you read this tonight (7/21) you can catch me at 10pm ET / 7pm PT doing a live call-in chat for Here's a direct link: I anticipate discussing ATLAND, Blambot, and comics in general. Stop by and ask questions.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Printed version of Legitimacy is here (at least my preview copy is, the others are still on the boat from China). Please do me a favor and stop by the game's page and post a comment or a rating or something! Thanks!!

Atland #283 - Monster-baiting Pt. 1

Click the link for the whole episode!

I had a piece of scrap paper sitting on my desk for almost a year. It had one word: "Monster-baiting". What's the first thing you learn when you train to be a warrior? How to bait monsters, of course! Hilarity ensues. I've been waiting to somehow work in that joke until recently. The flashback training sequence provided the perfect outlet for some lowbrow humor.

Next week we conclude our flashback sequence with "Monster-baiting" Part 2!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Elf of Moonshine House

Hello all!

This is an elf chick of Moonshine House. In this setting there are Five Great Houses: Moonshine, Sunblazer, Skulldome, Petalcrown, and Wolfhollow. Each House has a style and culture all its own. I think Moonshine house is kind of the alt/goth crowd of the elfish world. They do a lot of magic stuff and love the night and all that jazz.

Right now this project is very much in the infancy stage. I have several story concepts and a few scripts but I haven’t settled on what it’s really about just yet. The only elements that are 100% definite are elf chicks and bosoms.

Yes, I am that kind of geek.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Atland #283 - Enough Broken Ladles

http:// - for the whole episode!

Your first look at how grand the city of Spider's Web used to be back when Barry was a teenager. I had fun drawing that first panel.

This episode is a set up for a two part joke that I think will become one of the most noteworthy in ATLAND history. I thought of it last year and I kept a note taped to my desk all that time until I finally had an opportunity to use it. You'll see next week!

And another round of applause for Jason Embury's coloring!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Atland #282 - Wood Before Steel

More coloring by the lovely and talented, Jason Embury!

The reference to "M'danglies" is a call-back to a past episode. (Someone can look it up) Shame on you if you didn't remember that.

At last, we meet the legendary Verner VonStadt and his...adorable...daughter, Vanessa. Speaking of adorable, isn't that teenage Barry just the nicest kid, ever?

Okay, sarcasm over. Vanessa's a bully and Barry's a little prick. There, I said it. But oh, the fun times that lie ahead!

Next week, Barry continues to suffer. Always entertaining...