Well, here it is: the first page of the REDUX edition of Pewfell Volume 1. If you've not followed the series before, this would be the ideal time to jump in. If you have, then get ready because this new version is greatly expanded and re-editied with tons of brand-new, never-before seen and restored material, all in full color.
This revised edition of Pewfell Volume 1 is a project I've wanted to work on for a long time, because I've increasingly felt that the series didn't have had the introduction it deserved. I've been drawing Pewfell on and off for around 15 years now. Early on, the strip had several false starts as I experimented with form and format. I drew the first Pewfell material in the days before the interweb, and put it out in black & white photocopied 'zines. When the web came along I tried out various different layouts and update schedules before becoming a full daily strip in 2002. Back then, I was just making it up as I went along, with not much of a clue about what I was doing. The beginning never really reflected what the strip eventually developed into. Over time I tried to rectify this by pruning stuff away and lopping off limbs, but this left the series with no real start and no organic introduction to the characters. Most notably, in 2003, Wingnut Games published a 64 page black and white print volume, which required me to drastically cut and reshape the early material, and that has been the ‘official’ Volume 1 ever since.
This ultimate edition restores most of what was lost, as well as adding back in a lot of my earliest material, which never made it onto the web at all. Also, my co-writer, Adam Prosser, and I, with the help of colorist Carla Costa, have created over 20 pages of brand-new strips including this opening story. Volume 1 is now almost twice the length of the earlier print edition and forms the definitive introduction to the series that readers have been asking for.
The strip will be updating 5 days a week and, as often as I can manage, I'll be posting them right here on the Blog, along with commentary. Otherwise, visit
http://www.pewfell.com to read the full archives for free. Alternatively, Volume 1 will be available as a series of 4 eBooks, each with a brand-new cover, downloadable from
DriveThruComics.com. Thanks for reading; I look forward to hearing what you think about it.