Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Atland #264 - Temple of Ria, Pt. 1

Bet you thought I'd forgotten about all that money Lily made slaying the Zombilops! Uh-uh! That's why that WHOLE story came to be. I had to give Lily enough cash to accomplish THIS. Rebuilding the original Temple of Ria...restarting her order of priestesses...

I had to break out ATLAND book 1 for reference for that middle panel! I found Lily's origin story and realized I hadn't drawn a temple of Ria since this whole strip started!

Now, this isn't the temple shown in Lily's origin -- it's the FIRST temple of Ria. It's noted on the new ATLAND map, (coming soon). It's north and west up the coast from Barry's kingdom of Xerexos.

And now you know the significance of the butterflies whenever Ria appeared to Lily all this time. They're the native butterflies around this temple. (in my scripts, I refer to them as, "Amethyst Butterflies")

Next week, Temple of Ria, Pt. 2 -- we say goodbye to our favorite priestess...

Just FOUR episodes left of Season 1!

Have a happy New Year, everyone!

Monday, December 28, 2009

page 72 & 73 update

just thought a double page update was in store today- to read the whole story go here
Also issue 3 is almost to press- so exciting:)


The Barbarian - Portrait

A bit of of a new character I'm developing. It seems this idea is merging with my concepts for an Elfbone print comic. I've written two full scripts and reams of notes and doodles so hopefully I'll pull something wicked out of the old wizard hat soon...

Lucid Skin

For anyone who enjoys this blog or at least has an affection for some of its content, you really should check out Lucid Skin, a site featuring reviews of erotic fantasy and sci-fi artists. There is some wicked mojo to be found there.

And not just because they did a review of my junk a while back!

Check it all out. But make sure you dig into one of my all-time favorite artists Alejandro Gutiérrez Franco. If I had the ability to draw like this guy you're damn right I'd be doing it.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Barbarian

In those days the world was bathed in fire and ice and raw to the bones. Into this came the Barbarian. No one knew from where she came. No one knew why. Yet come she did…

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Atland #263 - To Remember Him

And so we leave young Tad.

I've known for months that Barry would end up getting Bruce's necklace. I've been drawing all his season 2 sketches with it on him. That's why I haven't previewed any of those drawings to you guys. Didn't want to blow this episode.

This is also the LAST episode I had to draw with snow in it! YAYYYY!

Next week, our heroes arrive in the lush green wilderness of the Northlands.

Just FIVE more episodes to go!

And I am officially announcing a live video chat the night of the final episode of Season 1. Thursday, January 28th at 7pm Eastern time. You'll be able to log on here: and communicate with me via chat. I'll answer your questions live. Maybe I'll even have some super secret preview stuff of Season 2!

Merry Christmas, folks! (Or whatever winter holiday you're celebrating.) I have the nog and the rum. I'm good to go!


issue 3 cover and new page

Here is the art to issue 3- The books go to press the first week of Jan and I will keep you informed on when they come out.

Also you can see the newest page to the comic series here

Have a wonderful christmas as well

Monday, December 21, 2009

merry christmas and a new page

merry christmas guys- hope the new year and the holidays treat you good and a new comic page up for you as well:)


Friday, December 18, 2009

Legitimacy Print & Play Released

Well, you've had a taste of it already here in the realms of Ur, but now, just in time for the holidays, comes the print-and-play release of my boardgame: "Legitimacy". I devised it over the holidays 2 years ago, and thanks to the good folks at Minion Games it's finally ready for primetime. It's an easy-to-play game with some unique mechanics, full of lots of original art by yours-truly. If you're craving some anarchic, low-cost, Pewfell-style fun to share with your friends and family this holidays and have a color printer handy then this is the game for you:

"Legitimacy: The Game of Royal Bastards"

A fast-paced, magical chase game for 2-6 Players

The kingdom of Legitimant is in turmoil. The old king has died, leaving no legitimate heir... He has, however, left several illegitimate ones.

Since you were an infant, your mother has told you of the royal blood that runs in your veins. Now the time has come for you and your trusty animal sidekick to set out on an epic quest to fulfil your destiny and claim the throne that is your birthright.

Whether you choose to follow a path of righteousness or use every dirty trick in the book, you’ll need nerve, cunning and just a little luck as you assemble an assortment of strange creatures and magical objects to out-manouver and overpower your rivals and prove that you are, indeed, the one true heir of Legitimacy!

As with all our Print & Play Games, Minion Games will give you a full credit of ths cost of this game towards the purchase of the print version when it's released.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Happy Ho-Ho!

I hope all my brothers in the Wizards of Ur have a very Merry-One and that all those who have been forced to follow this blog have an even Merrier, Merry-One! May you find yourselves under the mistletoe with some buxom young lass carrying one mug for you and another for her.

Play Nice.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

issue 3 news and new page

New pages for this week are up and I am at a part of the story that I enjoy, well I enjoy all of it, yet there are some parts more than others that really tickle my fancy.

you can read the whole thing here

Also issue 3 will go to press the week of January- I'll post the cover next week. I am really excited as I finish up the text edits and the cover art. I have already scripted the 40 pages for issue 4 and have also started the pencil work. I am looking to get that one done by april.


Atland #262 - Terms, Pt. 2

So there you have the deal between the dwarves and the potatomen.

The dwarves agree to release the Northlands (The continent where Barry's kingdom is located) and cease expansion in exchange for the potatomen's mining technology.

This may seem like a loss for the dwarves, but like I said last week, Dagna is no fool. Her armies have been spread thin with expansion (and she just lost thousands more...). She's going to go home and get stronger. Repopulate her armies. Use the potatomen's mining tech to dig ore, precious metals and gems and fill her banks with capital. She's thinking long term.

The potatomen (who's kingdom is also located in the Northlands) get their lands back. And they don't have to worry about dwarven incursion.

For now.

Next week, our group of friends grows smaller still...

Just SIX episodes left for season 1!

Also, I will be doing live video chats! Bookmark my Ustream channel:
Dates to be announced. I already did an impromptu test with my webcam, and it works great. You guys can ask questions via the chat feature, and I answer them live on video/audio.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Witch on the Road

This is another character design for a future project way down the road. All the projects I mentioned in a previous post are on hold for a while as I embark on a special project which, as it always seems to be, I can't really say much about at the moment. After a very long year of unemployment and the misery that goes with it; I'm kind of grinning right now.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday!

Play Nice!

Friday, December 11, 2009

new pages well a couple anyways

Ok here are more pages actually a few more - I have just been slammed and haven't been able to update everywhere - except the main comic pages- I hope you enjoy the tale so far. CAn you believe 67 pages so far- wow- and i have another 50 drawn.

You can read the whole story here-

I am also finishing off issue 3 and i am starting the art to issue 4- I am really jazzed about the direction on where it is going. I'll post more often - promise-


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Atland #261 - Terms, Pt. 1

First off, let's hear it for the masterful coloring of Jason Embury! (between Thanksgiving, some grueling deadlines and a viscious head cold, Jason saved my ass on this one.)

I really started thinking about the end of this battle. These two armies would just fight to the last man if left to do so. No one wins.

And that may have happened if the old Dwarf Pope hadn't died. But Captain Dagna...excuse me, POPE Dagna, has more sense than that. She's cunning whereas the old pope was power mad. Don't get me wrong, our heroes shouldn't trust her as far as they can throw her...but she's not going to sacrifice what's left of her army...for what? To stop Lily & the gang from preventing armageddon? Then no one wins. Everyone dies.

Dagna is smart enough to know that if she takes what she has left, goes home, licks her wounds, benefits from some decent terms, she may be able to pull off dwarven world domination sometime in the future. And woe to those who oppose her then.

When approached by the failing dwarven army for terms, Tad took the opportunity to stop the killing. (having experienced a new appreciation for death just a couple of hours ago...) Otherwise, he too may have just fought until he was dead...letting his grief drive him to fight til the end.

The terms decided on by Tad & Dagna will be explained next week in "Terms Pt. 2"...

Just 7 episodes left for Season 1!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Twisty & Organic

I don't really know where this piece came from.
I'll have a version in color sometime soon.

Norg Warrior

From my archive of Zyn Dweomer stuff, this is a Norg warrior. Norg are a breed of horned folks who live in none other than the land of Norg, which is to the north. I made her sort of fair and ruddy looking. They're a barbaric, sort of Viking-inspired people. Classic snow-dwellers that don't seem to wear the kind of clothing suitable for snowy weather.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The last episode of ATLAND Season 1...

I just plotted out the last few episodes of Season 1 and it looks like the end of Season 1 will be... (drumroll)

#268...Scheduled for Thursday, January 28th.

I will then be taking a 6-week break -- but every Thursday during the break I will be releasing new concept art from Season 2, including your first look at new heroes, villains, monsters, and locations...and the release of the new ATLAND map.

Then on March 18th, Atland Season 2 will debut!

That's the plan, guys!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fight On Magazine

for the old-school gamer... I don't really play D&D these days, but this sure makes me want to pick it up again...

Atland #260 - This Gods Forsaken Place

And with that, we exit the lair of the Nameless One.

And now you know a little more about the emerald that's up Barry's butt. Incidentally, Kerna is the wife (and sister!) of the king of the gods, Kern. Someday I'll delve more into Kern and Kerna and the other gods in a storyline. I've got some ideas.

Speaking of gods...

For those of you who are confused by the butterflies in this episode, they are a physical manifestation of Lily's goddess, Ria. (As seen in past episodes every time Lily has been in contact with Ria. Last time we saw Ria, she was severely weakened by the awakening power of the Nameless One. I threw the butterflies in there to reinforce Lily's last statement. Her goddess is still with her.

Next week, our heroes emerge into the snowy world above ground to face a sight they never imagined!



Another pinup for Steve Coffin's fantasy yarn about a warrior cook...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Momsters of Webcomics 2009

Going to be in SF on December 12th?

if so, come and see me here:

Zyn Dweomer #1 preview

Hi all!

I just wanted to share a little teaser art from the first full-size issue of Zyn Dweomer, now on my drawing table. I'm still early in the game so I can't say a lot about timing and availability of the printed comic yet, but I can tell you that the creative juices are flowing as nice as a good wine.

One thing I've discovered is that its difficult to write decent goblin dialog. You want them to sound stupid, but not derivative. In the end you just wing it and hope a sort of dialect evolves on the page. Which I think it sort of does.

So yeah, there are goblins in issue #1.

More later...

All fonts by Blambot, natch!

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Silly Season

The "Silly Season" is here. The madness in the checkout line will rear its ugly head. The lunacy of the Holidays will spread like a virus and infect all the jolly ho-ho's. I don't buy into it but, I still hope everyone takes a deep breath and plays nice with each other. It's not that hard to do. Anyway, I thought that I'd share some of my "goings on" with you all.
If you look to your right I have some samples of a few projects I've been working on for the past few months.

First there's a new `Tween story titled, for now, "Redstorm." This one is taking us way back before the Bad Mojo and showing how my favorite wizard, Ehron Redstorm came to be. At the moment, this will be a full color graphic novel but, this could change to maybe a 3-4 issue pamphlet. It's still too early in the process to worry about that.

Second is a project that has been in the works for quite a while and seemed to be my summer project. It's called, "Becky's Alien" and this looks like it is going to eventually be a webcomic. The story is written by Jenni gregory with art by yours truly. We still have some work to do on this so I don't have a firm date on this one either.

That's it.
Play Nice.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Doodles from Zyn Dweomer land

I'm hip-deep (no...neck-deep) in drawing Zyn Dweomer issue #1 and I'm bloody-minded about finishing the whole thing before I post much of it. But I do have tons of doodles and drawings associated with the whole project. Here are a couple of characters from the setting, though not specifically from the story itself.

Hope everyone is doing fine as frog hair!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Atland #259 - "We're Alive?!"

Total plot mover here, guys. But I thought it would be important not to gloss over the fact that Lily had no idea that Bruce was dead.

And now you know why the bottom of the cave isn't filled with broken skeletons. :)

Next Thursday is Thanksgiving and there will be NO NEW ATLAND. Just a reminder.

In two weeks ATLAND returns and our heroes finally have a moment to themselves before leaving the lair of the Nameless One behind them...


Free comics to free kids!

Hey everybody!

If you didn't see the Colbert Report last night, let me direct you to this clip where he talks to the co-founder of a Canadian organization called Free The Children, which is dedicated to ending child labor around the world.


This got me thinking about what I could do to help. Well here's something; From now on, if you donate $10 or more to Free The Children I'll send you a free copy of my book! Just fire me an e-mail at stevelec (at) or a Facebook message with your mailing address and I'll mail you a copy. Also, if you aren't comfortable with using your credit card to donate, you can twitter or blog about what I'm doing or about the organization or set up your own fundraising page and I'll consider it a fair trade. Now, most of you Wizards already have a copy of my book, but if you want to spread the word about this project, I'd appreciate it and hey, the books make great gifts if you tell me who to dedicate them to!

I'm looking forward to seeing what we can do for the kids!

Thanks guys!


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wizards Sketches

Back in the day, when I first saw Ralph Bakshi's Wizards, it really linked together a lot of paths I was going down as a writer and artist. Along with the work of Vaughn Bode' and Moebius, this sort of completed the triad of influences that I'm sure you can still see in my work today. My comic `Tween was something of an unapologetic love letter to this influential flick. I was psyched to see these sketches and thus, I share. :)

Play Nice.


I did this real quickly (I think its unfinished, honestly) as a sort of tribute to that old 70s European erotic comic "Maghella", drawn by Dino Leonetti. Not sure why...I just saw some pages and thought it would be nice to draw the character. So bam.

Monday, November 16, 2009

page 60

I am amazed how time flies and now there are 60 pages up to the story.

anyways i am almost done with issue 3 and pretty soon it will be on to 4 - i will post the cover soon-


you can read the tale here

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Birthday Wishes!

Happy Birthday wishes to Wizard Nate! I hope your day is filled with ale, corsets and wenches! Sadly, for us, the chances are pretty good knowing Nate. Happy birthday man!

Artz and Intertainmentz

Been quiet lately, but not idle. No, I'm in the midst of a firestorm of creative passion on Zyn Dweomer, which is getting a major overhaul and moving more decidedly to a web-to-print plan. More on that later. Here's some fun pin-up art I've been doing for giggles...

Friday, November 13, 2009

James Cameron Reveals His Quest to Build More Perfect CGI Boobs

This one just about says it all really:

In a decade since the launch of Titanic, the eyes of humanity have focused on the James Cameron laboratory wondering what leap forward would emerge, what gifts he would bestow on our species?

Having built and sunk and ocean liner, were there any mountains left or had humanity been already given all the tools it needed to ensure its eternal contentment?

As we stand on the cusp of revelation, media speculation has focused on the innovations in filmmaking Avatar will bring our suffering world; new digital tools that revolutionize 3D photography, like a "Fusion Camera System" that will perhaps make 3D the multiplex standard for decades to come.

But in an interview with Playboy, Cameron revealed that all this Fusion Systeming and "Facial Performance Replacement" has really been just the nuts and bolts and that the real mission of the Avatar team has always been creating the perfect computer-generated screen boobs for the character Neytiri, a motion-captured rendition of actress Zoe Saldana; a problem so complex and difficult that it apparently took a team of hundreds a decade to solve it to Cameron's exacting standards.

Discussing the film, the interview focused on the mytho-historical place of cartoon women in our society before turning to the matter of Avatar's technological breakthrough:

PLAYBOY: We seem to need fantasy icons like Lara Croft and Wonder Woman, despite knowing they mess with our heads.
CAMERON: Most of men's problems with women probably have to do with realizing women are real and most of them don't look or act like Vampirella. A big recalibration happens when we're forced to deal with real women, and there's a certain geek population that would much rather deal with fantasy women than real women. Let's face it: Real women are complicated. You can try your whole life and not understand them.

PLAYBOY: How much did you get into calibrating your movie heroine's hotness?
CAMERON: Right from the beginning I said, "She's got to have tits," even though that makes no sense because her race, the Na'vi, aren't placental mammals. I designed her costumes based on a taparrabo, a loincloth thing worn by Mayan Indians. We go to another planet in this movie, so it would be stupid if she ran around in a Brazilian thong or a fur bikini like Raquel Welch in One Million Years B.C.

PLAYBOY: Are her breasts on view?
CAMERON: I came up with this free-floating, lion's-mane-like array of feathers, and we strategically lit and angled shots to not draw attention to her breasts, but they're right there. The animation uses a physics-based sim that takes into consideration gravity, air movement and the momentum of her hair, her top. We had a shot in which Neytiri falls into a specific position, and because she is lit by orange firelight, it lights up the nipples. That was good, except we're going for a PG-13 rating, so we wound up having to fix it. We'll have to put it on the special edition DVD; it will be a collector's item. A Neytiri Playboy Centerfold would have been a good idea.

PLAYBOY: So you're okay with arousing PG-13 chubbies?
CAMERON: If such a thing should happen and I'm not saying it will, that would be fine.

As ever in society, the real innovators will go unheralded. Generations of schoolchildren will gaze upon Neytiri's bosom without ever knowing the names of the heroic scientists who gave ten years of their lives to make the dream of those breasts a reality.


How To Train Your Dragon Trailer

looks one ones for the fans of URdom!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

This letter could have been written by Bish

This was forwarded to me by Pewfell reader Terry Smith, as he pointed out, all you have to do is change God to Hornbag:

To my good friends ye Postmasters

As a result of the Great Fire in 1666, it is believed that 70,000 of London's 80,000 inhabitants were left homeless and approximately 13,000 homes burnt to the ground. As Cloak Lane Post Office - the city's first - surrendered to the flames, London Postmaster James Hicks quickly salvaged as much of the city's correspondence as physically possible and fled with his family to Barnet. From there he sent the following letter to his fellow Postmasters, informing them of the catastrophe unfolding. With the city's relatively new postal system destroyed, very little information about the fire escaped for days and rumours circulated of a foreign invasion.


To my good friends ye Postmasters betwixt London & Chester & Holly Head


it hath pleased Almighty God to visit this famous city of London with most raging fire which began on Sunday morning last about 2 a clock in Pudding Lane in a baker’s house behind the Kings Head tavern in New Fish Street & though all the means possible was used yet it could not be obstructed but before night it had burnt most part of ye City with St Magnus Church & part of ye Bridge to Q Hith to the water side, Canon Street, Dowgate, & upon Monday struck up Gratious Street, Lombard Street, Cornhill, Poultry, Bartholomew Lane, Throgmorton Street, Lothbury, & the last night & this day rages through all parts of the city as far as Temple Bar, Holborn Bridge, Smithfield & by all conjecture is not by any means to be stopped from further ruin except God in his infinite wisdom prevent it. I am at ye Red Lyon in Barnet with my family, & God in reasonable good health, notwithstanding great loss and sufferings by the distraction of our office yet I am commanded to let you know yet what little come to your hands from any ministers of State yet again give you all quick and speedy dispatch to me hither yet I may convey you home to Court or such places as I may receive directions for, & I am also to intimate to you which letters are sent to you from Court & shall see them sent forwards from here to you with speedy care & conveyance & so soone as pleasith God to put an end to ye violence of this fire some place will be picked on for ye general correspondence as formerly of which you shall God willing have advice at present this is all

Your sorrowfull friend

James Hicks

Barnet Sep. 4. 11 at night

Link to Original Post:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Atland #258 - Avalanche of the Dead

OK, the first person who correctly counts ALL the skeletons in this episode wins a...

...just kidding. If I did that, it would mean *I* would have to count them -- and there's no way I'm gonna do that. But rest assured, I did not cut corners on this episode. I drew skeletons until my eyes felt like they were going to bleed. Here's a zoomed-in view:


And I tweaked the coloring on this episode for 2 weeks. In fact, I was still adding background skeletons yesterday. Ugh.

I think it came out pretty cool, though.

Next week, the aftermath...and Lily gets the news about Bruce...


Monday, November 9, 2009

Hobbit info.

As if I could get anymore excited about this flick, here's a great interview with director Guillermo delToro about the upcoming Hobbit films. He doesn't give much away but, I'm very excited with the direction he is taking alongside LOTR mastermind, Peter Jackson. Excited is probably an understatement. I'm beside myself with anticipation and joy.

Sharing is caring.

Play Nice.

new page up

new page is up at the site
read here

after 58 pages the plot finally thickens

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Legitimacy nearly done

Illustration work is complete, playtesting has been extensive - everything is looking very kick-ass. PDF release due soon.

see more at:

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Atland #257 - He's Coming Apart

I tell ya, I thought long and hard about how the Nameless One could make a dramatic exit. And I came up with zilch until the very MORNING I sat down to draw this one. It finally hit me...what would be cooler than an avalanche of corpses?

Not too damn much, that's what.

I gotta say, I'm sooooooo looking forward to drawing sexy ladies and trees again in Season 2. No more snow scenes or cave scenes for a while once we're done here.

In other news, in case you missed it, ATLAND will finally be available in indie-friendly comic shops sometime soon. I've struck a deal with ComiXpress since they're launching a new business plan as a distributor of indie books, like..oh...Dave Sim's CEREBUS. So I'm in good company! More on that as I can reveal it!


new page up

ok page 57-

yet i am almost done with issue 3, I have 10 pages left to illustrate there.

I cannot believe I have broken the 100 page mark of the comic series. It has been a long time since I have been this inspired.
