Chapter 2 of Major Tom is going smoothly and I'm anxious to share it with everyone. I think that I should wrap it up and post it to the UPOP Site in about 2 weeks. I have no set schedule for the chapters to come out. I'm going with the "muse" on this one but, I'm doing my best to make sure there isn't a real long wait in between chapters. I'm having a lot of fun with this.
I escaped the pavement last weekend and made my way to the New England countryside to do some writing and clear out the cobwebs. It was a success! I've posted some pics here. While up at Zen House, I did a lot of writing and fleshing out a possible new project that I'm very excited to get started on. I'll share more when it's further along.
Cool things that made me smile this week:
1. Artist extraordinaire MIKE HOFFMAN'S blog and website.
2. My buddy Cat Garza's webcomic, Year of the Rat and the announcement of a print collection of some of his Magic Inkwell comics. This has me psyched!
3. Guillermo Del Toro is taking the Vampire back to it's horrific roots in his new book, "The Strain". Hopefully that'll kill the "Beverly Hills 90210 with Fangs" trend.
Play Nice!